Program Schedule

Catholic Singles Weekend 2025

June 13 - 15, 2025
The annual Catholic Singles weekend gathering brings together Catholic adults for a weekend of fellowship and outdoor recreation. If you are one of the many adults who find their lives more solitary than you'd like, joining in our little community could be just the boost you're looking for. Men and women, young and old are all welcome to join us for a weekend of good food and great conversation surrounded by the beauty of God's creation at PLC. Please contact us with any inquiries: [email protected] 
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Women Writers Retreat 2025

July 13 - 18, 2025
Women will gather in mid-July to immerse themselves in writing and nature. Daily classes in poetry, fiction, journaling, memoir and multi-genre are offered. Ample writing time is provided through the week. Each evening there is an opportunity for the participants to read their work in an environment of compassionate support. Since 1995, this retreat has embraced and celebrated the talent women bring to writing.  Our voices, so often diminished in the world at large, find space to breathe in the Adirondack air. To quote Ellie O’Leary, veteran participant and teacher, “We are bolstered by each other’s company, encouraged by each…
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Photography Retreat 2025

July 18 - 20, 2025
A beginner photography retreat. No experience necessary.  Interested in learning how to take better photos on your smartphone? Have a camera but not sure how to use it? Learn the basics of photography in our beautiful Adirondack setting. We will cover how to use your device, shooting tips and tricks, as well as editing your images afterwards. Join Courtney Bradt, an award winning amateur photographer, who will set you up with the skills to take your photography to the next level. After learning the basics skills, we will then put them to use in the beautiful setting of Pyramid Life…
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Friends of Lois Weekend Escape 2025

July 18 - 20, 2025
“Holding on to Hope” Staying hopeful sometimes feels like a precarious balancing act, especially when we have active alcoholism in our lives. But there are many other aspects of our lives that can deflate our hope: losing a loved one, our own or a dear one’s health issues, fear over our political climate and/or the climate in general, and more. Join weekend host Anne S. as we use the tools of the program to identify healthy ways to stay hopeful during our own dark days.
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Dorothy Day Retreat

July 21 - 23, 2025
Dorthy Day Retreat    How are we called to live life as a Catholic in America? One of the 20th Century’s most influential Catholic thinkers, writers, and activists, Dorothy Day, spent a lifetime working to answer that question. Pyramid Life Center is pleased to offer an exclusive retreat on Dorothy Day; a Catholic social justice advocate and co-founder of the Catholic Worker. The retreat will have a special focus on Robert Ellsberg’s new book about Dorthy’s spirituality, and how her spirituality informed how she approached her life and work. This retreat will be facilitated by Martha Hennessy (Dorothy’s Grandaughter) an…
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Stillpoint 2025

With Mary DeTurris Poust

September 5 - 7, 2025
The fabulous fall season in upstate New York is the perfect time to surround yourself in natural beauty and interior stillness. Step outside the frantic pace of everyday life and reset your rhythm to something more sacred and serene. The annual Stillpoint Retreat is a weekend filled with spiritual practices, prayerful community, and the gorgeous sights and sounds of Pyramid Life Center. Give yourself this time away to reconnect with your own stillpoint, that place within that is grounded in God, where the “still, small voice” of the Spirit can be heard when we quiet the exterior noise. Together we…
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Spiritual Journaling Weekend 2025

September 12 - 14, 2025
“God, Help me to Want What I Have” If you struggle with dissatisfaction or a loss of hope in your life, this weekend may be the answer to your prayers. Using the Spiritual Journaling practice of writing to the God of our understanding, we will mine our hearts and minds to discover the blessings in our lives. Retreat leader Anne is a talented and experienced writer and retreat leader. In addition to Spiritual Journaling she is also on the faculty of the Women Writers Retreat and leads the Friends of Lois weekend at PLC.
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